New and Updated Course Descriptions
HSP 115 - Guest Service Hospitality
3 Credits
This course discusses the importance of customer service in the Hospitality and Tourism industries, focusing on hospitality services, developing and maintaining a service culture, managing service encounters, consumer trends, building and maintaining customer relationships, professionalism, the impact technology plays on customer service, and service recovery. Successful completion of this course includes 45 hours of hands-on customer service experience (volunteer or work experience). A student's present job may qualify. Appropriate volunteer/work experience must be approved by the instructor. It is recommended that this course is completed within the first two semesters of the program.
MCC General Education: MCC-TL - Technological Literacy (MTL)
Course Learning Outcomes
1. Identify the major aspects of service.
2. Use problem solving and decision-making skills when dealing with customer situations.
3. Discuss how an organization maintains a positive internal service culture.
4. Discuss the importance of maintaining customer relationships.
5. Demonstrate the service recovery process.
6. Explain the importance of managing service expectations.
7. Explain how new technologies impact the service industry.
Course Offered Spring
Use links below to see if this course is offered:Fall Semester 2025
Spring Semester 2025
Summer Session 2025